






ゆとり教育 education at ease; (more) relaxed education; pressure-free education; cram-free education; education with latitude; education free from pressure (頻度はだいたいこの順序)


[コロケーションゆとり教育制度 a pressure-free education policy

ゆとり教育の逆効果 adverse effects of pressure-free education

 ゆとり教育への批判 criticism against more relaxed education

 ゆとり教育の見直し a review of the cram-free education (system)

 ゆとり教育世代 people educated under the cram-free education policy

 脱ゆとり教育 a switch [shift] from the cram-free education

 ゆとり教育から脱する move away from the pressure-free education; 

 ゆとり教育から脱する move away from the pressure-free education; give up the      pressure-free education (policy)

 「ゆとり教育」から「確かな学力」へ from cram-free education to positive  scholastic ability